Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Donald Trump has been on fire in his bid to become the next President of the United States. His crazy comments and utterances seem to keep him growing stronger and stronger.

In recent times, political pundits and commentators have realised that at every point when his lead in the Republican primary race is challenged, either by Dr Ben Carson or Ted Cruz- Trump comes out to say something so outlandish and bigoted that appeal to the basest element of the Republican base, thus solidifying his lead once again.

Perhaps in a bid to ride the wave of popularity amongst those Republicans his recent bigoted comments against Muslims have brought him, and to raise his poll numbers further (no reason to quit whilst you’re ahead), Trump has decided to make even more outlandish comments about another minority disliked by white, Southern men- black people.

Speaking in an interview, Trump said that a stronger crackdown on immigration is needed to solve all the US’s myriad problems.

“Blacks in the US are cop killers and drug dealers, and as President I would deal with every single one of them.

“Whilst on this topic, let me add that an even more insidious threat to America lies in blacks coming from overseas- coming from Africa or the Carribean or wherever.

“We know they carry with them infectious diseases that come from their mating with animals, such as Ebola and Aids.

“Think I’m lying, why is it that both these diseases originated from ape populations, yet are most rampant in Africa?

“We cannot allow these infected animal f*ckers into our country”

Trump added that all his policies are targeted at people who bring nothing but trouble into the country of the blessed white man.

“I have promised (white) Americans that I would ‘make this country great again’, and that is precisely what I’m doing with all my policies.

“Getting rid of the Mexicans stops rape and petty crime, getting rid of the Muslims stops terrorism, and now getting rid of blacks would stop the spread of infectious diseases.”

SL StaffShocking NewsDonald Trump
Donald Trump has been on fire in his bid to become the next President of the United States. His crazy comments and utterances seem to keep him growing stronger and stronger. In recent times, political pundits and commentators have realised that at every point when his lead in the Republican...